Recording of my talk in the OFAI Fall Lecture Series on Do Large Language Models Grasp Metaphors? now available
Organizing the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) in Vienna, Austria in September 2023
Giving a keynote on neural relation acquisition at LLODREAM 2022
Best paper award at MuC thanks to the excellent GenderFairMT team
Join our panel discussion on Genderfair Language and Genderfair Language Technology on 17 September 2021 at Erste Campus - register on our website
Organizer of the Workshop on Non-Binary Language Towards Non-Binary Language Technology (GenderFairMT) together with TU Wien, FH Campus Wien and FH St. Pölten to take place from 15 September 2021 to 17 September 2021
Organizer of the Austrian European Language Grid (ELG)-Workshop at the B2B Software Days on 11 May 2021
Invited talk at the Cardiff NLP seminar series on 18 March 2021 entitled Multilingual Information Extraction to Learn Terminological Concept Systems
My interview on "Why is terminology your passion?" conducted by the talented Justyna Dlociok is now online at Termcoord
Text2TCS submits winning system to the CogALex-VI Shared Task on multilingual paradigmatic relation identification
ELG pilot project Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text (Text2TCS) funded and started in 07/2020
Presentation on Technological Multilingualism in Austria at the 1st Regional ELG Workshop: Switzerland, Austria, Germany at KONVENS 2020
SemDeep-6 will take place at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020
SemDeep team will host a session at the 15th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy)
``Best Program Committee Award'' from ISWC 2019
Special Issue on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep) at the Semantic Web Journal is published
Joined the editorial board of the Semantic Web Journal
Video of my VIVA 2019 summer school presentation on Dialog or Dialogue? A Variation- and Domain-Aware Perspective on Computational Linguistics
Paper on semantic shifts in inflectional morphology at LDK 2019
SemDeep-5 is going to be colocated with IJCAI 2019 this year
Paper on crowdsourcing image schemas accepted at the Image Schema Day 4
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies@ESWC 2017
Paper on Multilingual Embeddings Comparison accepted at LREC
Paper on Formalizing Image Schemas accepted at the Symposium of Applied Computing
SemDeep-3 at COLING 2018!
Our Call for Papers is out on the Special Issue on Semantic Deep Learning at the Semantic Web Journal
ACL proceedings of the Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2) workshop online!
Paper on multilingual image schema extraction accepted at AIC 2017
Program of the Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS)@JOWO has been finalized
Paper on comparing Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency accepted at the Image Schema Day 3
Program of the Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2) Workshop at IWCS has been finalized
Paper on Hashtag processing for enhanced clustering accepted at RANLP
GUESSence - the guessing game of cities - I developed in the ESSENCE project was launched in the Google Play Store. Join in
Delegated to several working groups of this year's ISO meeting in Vienna from the committee of terminology and other language and content resources
Paper on porting xEBR to Linked Data accepted at the XBRL week in Frankfurt
Co-organizer of 1st Workshop on Interaction-based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS) at the Joint Ontology Workshop (JOWO) 2017
Paper on extracting image schemas using spectral clustering accepted at the Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS)
Co-organizer 2nd workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2) collocated with 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) in Montpellier in September 2017.
Co-organizer workshop Taboo City Challenge Competition collocated with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in Melbourne in August 2017.
Co-organizer 1st workshop Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep) workshop collocated with the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) in Portoroz in May 2017.
Paper on building ontologies from crowdsourced data accepted at CAOS 2017
Joining the Austrian Standard Committee for terminology and other language and content resources - nominated for membership of several ISO working groups, including "Multilingual Knowledge Representation"
Senior PC of ESWC 2023
Area Co-Chair at LDK 2022 for the "Knowledge Discovery/Representation (including Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Terminology, Ontologies)" track
Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) 2021 PC chair
ACM Hypertext 2021
The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2021) Machine Translation Area Chair
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2020, 2019
European Conference on Artificial Intxelligence (ECAI) 2020
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021, 2020
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2020, 2019
ACL Rolling Reviews 2022, 2023 on OpenReview
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2021, 2020, 2019
Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CONLL) 2020, 2019
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021, 2020
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2020, 2018
The biennial conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics on "Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age" 2017
On the Editorial Board of the Semantic Web Journal
On the Editorial Board of the journal Applied Ontology
Reviewer for
Short radio broadcast in local station Ö1 entitted Wie einer Maschine gendergerechte Sprache beibringen? (How to teach a machine genderfair language?) in the series digital.leben
Gromann, Dagmar, Elena-Simona Apostol, Christian Chiarcos, Marco Cremaschi, Jorge Gracia, Katerina Gkirtzou, Chaya Liebeskind, Liudmila Mockiene, Michael Rosner,, Ineke Schuurman, Gilles Sérasset, Purificação Silvano, Blerina Spahiu, Ciprian-Octavian Truică, Andrius Utka, and Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene (2024a). Multilinguality and LLOD: A survey across linguistic description levels. Semantic Web Journal, IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/SW-243591
Gromann, Dagmar, Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Lucia Pitarch, Elena-Simona Apostol, Jordi Bernad, Eliot Bytyçi, Chiara Cantone, Francesca Frontini, Radovan Garabik, Jorge Gracia, Litizia Granata, Anas Fahad Khan, Timoteij Knez, Penny Labropoulou, Chaya Liebeskind, Maria di Buono, Ana Ostroški Anić, Sigita Rackevičienė, Ricardo Rodrigues, Gilles Sérasset, Linas Selmistraitis, Sidibé Mahammadou, Purificação Silvano, Blerina Spahiu, Enriketa Sogutlu, Ranka Stanković, Ciprian-Octavian Truică, Giedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, Slavko Zitnik, and Katerina Zdravkova (2024b). "MultiLexBATS: Multilingual Dataset of Lexical Semantic Relations." In Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024.
Trajanov, Dimitar, Elena-Simona Apostol, Radovan Garabík, Katerina Gkirtzou, Dagmar Gromann, Chaya Liebeskind, Cosimo Palma, Michael Rosner, Alexia Sampri, Gilles Sérasset, Blerina Spahiu, Ciprian-Octavian Truică, and GiedreValunaite Oleskeviciene (2024). "From Linguistic Linked Data to Big Data." In Proceedings of LREC-COLING 2024.
Bączkowska, Anna, and Dagmar Gromann (2023). "From knobhead to sex goddess: swear words in English subtitles, their functions and representation as linguistic linked data." Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 49, no. 1. DOI: 10.31724/rihjj.49.1.4
Wachowiak, L., Gromann, D. & Xu, C. (2023). The Image Schema VERTICALITY: Definitions- and Annotation Guidelines. In Hedblom, M. & Kutz, O. (eds) Proceedings of The Seventh Image Schema Day. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3511.
Wachowiak, L. & Gromann, D. (2023). Does GPT-3 Grasp Metaphors? Identifying Metaphor Mappings with Generative Language Models. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 1018–1032, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Gromann, D., Heinisch, B., Wachowiak, L. & Lang, C. (2023). A novel way of extracting full-fledged terminologies from multilingual texts. Lexicographica, vol. 39, no. 1, 2023, pp. 209-223. DOI: 10.1515/lex-2023-0011
Hiebl, B. & Gromann, D. (Forthcoming). Quality in Human and Machine Translation: An Interdisciplinary Survey. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation., Tampere, Finnland.
Lardelli, M. & Gromann, D. (Forthcoming). Gender-Fair Post-Editing: A Case Study Beyond the Binary. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation., Tampere, Finnland.
Lardelli, M. & Gromann, D. (2023). Translating Non-Binary Coming-Out Reports: Gender-Fair Language Strategies and Use in News Articles. Journal of Specialized Translation, Issue 40, pages 213-240.
Balducci Paloucci, A., Lardelli, M. & Gromann, D. (Forthcoming). Gender-Fair Language in Translation: A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Gender-Inclusive Translation Technologies (GITT) colocated with EAMT 2023.
Gromann, D., Wachowiak, L., Lang, C. & Heinisch, B. (2023). Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text. In Rehm, G. (ed.) European Language Grid - A Language Technology Platform for Multilingual Europe. Spinger: Cham, 289-294, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-17258-8
Lardelli, M. & Gromann, D. (2023). Gender-Fair (Machine) Translation. In Castilho, S., Caro Quintana, R., Stasimioti, M., and Sosoni, V. (eds): Proceedings of the New Trends in Translation and Technology Conference - NeTTT 2022. 4-6 July 2022, Rhodes Island, Greece, 166-177
Wachowiak, L., Gromann, D. & Chao, X. (2022). Drum Up SUPPORT: Systematic Analysis of Image-Schematic Conceptual Metaphors. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP), 44–53, Association for Computational Linguistics.
Wachowiak, L. & Gromann, D. (2022) Systematic Analysis of Image Schemas in Natural Language through Explainable Neural Language Processing. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, ACL Anthology, 5571-5581.
Burtscher, S., Spiel, K., Klausner, L. D., Lardelli, M., & Gromann, D. (2022). “Es geht um Respekt, nicht um Technologie”: Erkenntnisse aus einem Interessensgruppen-übergreifenden Workshop zu genderfairer Sprache und Sprachtechnologie. In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022 (pp. 106-118).
Bączkowska, A. & Gromann, D. (2022). From Knobhead to Sex Goddess: Swearwords in English Subtitles, Their Functions and Representation as Linguistic Linked Data. LLOD Approaches for Language Data Research and Management (LLODREAM) Book of Abstracts, Mykolas Romeris University, 18-19.
Rosner, M., Ahmadi, S., Apostol, E. S., Bosque-Gil, J., Chiarcos, C., Dojchinovski, M., Gkirtzou, K., Gracia, J., Gromann, D., Liebeskind, C., Valunaite-Oleskeviciene, G., Sérrasat, G. & Truicȃ, C. O. (2022). Cross-Lingual Link Discovery for Under-Resourced Languages. In 13th Edition of its Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022) (pp. 181-192). European Language Resources Association.
De Giorgis, S., Gangemi, A., & Gromann, D. (2022). ISAAC: Image Schema Abstraction and Cognition ontology. Proceedings of Joint Ontology WOrkshops (JOWO) 2022. Forthcoming
De Giorgis, S., Gangemi, A., & Gromann, D. (2022). Imageschemanet: Formalizing embodied commonsense knowledge providing an imageschematic layer to framester. Semantic Web Journal.
Makni, B., Ebrahimi, M., Gromann, D. & Eberhart, A., (2022). Neuro-Symbolic Semantic Reasoning. In: Hitzler, P. & Sarker, M. K. (eds.) Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art. IOS Press BV, Vol. 342, 253-279 27
De Giorgis, S., Gangemi, A. & Gromann, D. (2022). The Racing Mind and the Path of Love: automatic extraction of image schematic triggers in knowledge graphs generated from natural language. The Sixth Image Schema Day (ISD6), Bd. 3140, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Marra, E., Lösch, A., Racioppa, S., Mazo, H., Giagkou, M.,..., Gromann,D. &Heinisch, B.(2022). AI for Multilingual Europe – Why Language Data Matters ELRC Whitepaper.
Lang, C., Wachowiak, L., Heinisch, B. & Gromann, D. (2021). Transforming Term Extraction: Transformer-Based Approaches to Multilingual Term Extraction Across Domains. In: Zong, C., Xia,F., Li, W. & Navigli, R. (eds). Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, Association for Computational Linguistics, 3607–3620.
Espinosa-Anke, L., Gromann, D., Declerck, T., Breit, A., Camacho-Collados, J., Taher Pilehvar, M. & Revenko, A. (2021). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-6). Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021.semdeep-1.0. [bibtex]
Gromann, Dagmar, Lennart Wachowiak, Christian Lang, Barbara Heinisch (2021) Multilingual Extraction of Terminological Concept Systems. In Garabick (ed.) Book of Abstract of the Workshop on Deep Learning and Neural Approaches for Linguistic Data, Skopje, North Macedonia.
Wachowiak, L., Lang, C., Heinisch, B. & Gromann, D. (2021). Towards Learning Terminological Concept Systems from Multilingual Natural Language Text. In: Gromann, D., Serasset, G., Declerck, T., McCrae, J., Gracia, J., Bosque-Gil, J., Bobillo, F. and Heinisch, B. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Language, Data, and Knowledge (LDK 2021), Zaragoza, Spain. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 22:1--22:18 [bibtex]
Yin, X., Gromann, D., & Rudolph, S. (2021). Neural Machine Translating from Natural Language to SPARQL. Future Generation Computer Systems, 117, 510-519.
Xu, C., Saldanha, E. A. D., Gromann, D., & Zhou, B. (2020). A Cognitively Motivated Approach to Spatial Information Extraction. In: Kordjamshidi, P., Bhatia, A., Alikhani, M., Baldridge, J., Bansal, M., & Moens, M. F. (eds): Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding, pp. 18-28 [bibtex]
Wachowiak, L., Lang, C., Heinisch, B. & Gromann, D. (2020) Transrelation - A Robust Multilingual Language Model for Multilingual Relation Identification. In: Zock, M., Chersoni, E., Lenci, A. & Santus, E. (eds). Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-VI), Association for Computational Linguistics, 59–64.
Gromann, D. (2020). Neural Language Models for the Multilingual, Transcultural, and Multimodal Semantic Web. Special Issue 10-years Semantic Web journal, Semantic Web, Vol. 11, Num. 1, pp. 29-39
Declerck, T., Siegel, M. & Gromann, D. (2020). OntoLex as a possible Bridge between WordNets and full lexical Descriptions. Proceedings of the 10th Global WordNet Conference, pp. 264-271, Wroclaw, Poland.
Rehm, G., Marheinecke, K., Hegele, S., Piperidis, S., Bontcheva, K., Hajič, J., Choukri, K., Vasiļjevs, A., Backfried, G., Prinz, C., Gómez Pérez, J. M., Meertens, L., Lukowicz, P., van Genabith, J., Lösch, A., Slusallek, P., Irgens, M., Gatellier, P., Köhler, J., Le Bars, L., Anastasiou, D., Auksoriūtė, A., Bel, N., Branco, A., Budin, G., Daelemans, W., De Smedt, K., Garabík, R., Gavriilidou, M., Gromann, D., Koeva, S., Krek, S., Krstev, C., Lindén, K., Magnini, B., Odijk, J., Ogrodniczuk, M., Rögnvaldsson, E., Rosner, M., Sandford Pedersen, B., Skadiņa, I., Tadić, M., Tufiş, D., Váradi, T., Vider, K., Way, A., Yvon, F (2020). The European Language Technology Landscape in 2020: Language-Centric and Human-Centric AI for Cross-Cultural Communication in Multilingual Europe. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2020, Frankreich.
Gromann, D. (2020). Ontologien als terminologische Begriffssysteme. In: Drewer, P., Mmayer, F. & Pulitano, D. (Eds): Terminologie: Industrie, Information, Intelligenz. Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V.: München, Karlsruhe, Bern. 39-48. Preprint version
.Gangemi, A. & Gromann, D. (2019). Analyzing the Imagistic Foundation of Framality via Prepositions. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO)
Macbeth, J. & Gromann, D. (2019). Towards Modeling Conceptual Dependency Primitives with Image Schema Logic. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO)
Gromann, D., Espinosa Anke, L. & Declerck, T. (2019). Editorial on Semantic Deep Learning. Semantic Web, 10 (5). Special Issue on Semantic Deep Learning.
Xiaoyu, Y., Gromann, D. & Rudolph, S. (2019). Neural Machine Translating from Natural Language to SPARQL. CoRR ArXiv abs/1906.09302.
Gromann, D. & Declerck, T. (2019). Towards the Detection and Formal Representation of Semantic Shifts in Inflectional Morphology. In Eskevich, M., de Melo, G., Fäth, C., McCrae, J.P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., Klimek, B., and Dojchinovski M. (eds). Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019). OASICS Vol. 70, 21:1--21:15.
Gromann, D. & Macbeth, J. (2019). Crowdsourcing Image Schemas. Proceedings of TriCoLore 2018.
Choi, K.-S., Espinosa Anke, L., Declerck, T., Gromann, D., Kim, J.-D., Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C., Saleem, M. & Usbeck, R. (2018), Joint Proceedings of ISWC 2018 Workshops SemDeep-4 and NLIWOD-4 co-located with the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), Monterey, California, US, CEUR: Vol. 2241
Cochez, M., Declerck, T., de Melo, G., Espinosa Anke, L., Fetahu, B., Gromann, D., Kejriwal, M., Koutraki, M., Lécué, F., Palumbo, E. & Sack, H. (2018). Proceedings of the First Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies (DL4KGS) co-located with the 15th Extended Semantic Web Conerence (ESWC 2018), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 4, 2018. CEUR: Vol. 2106
Ludger, J., Radicioni, D. P. & Gromann, D. (2018). Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), collocated with the 10th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2018), CEUR: Vol. 2205
Espinosa-Anke, L., Gromann, D. & Declerck, T. (2018). The Third Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-3), collocated with the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018), ACL Anthology Proceedings, W18-40
Rovatsos, M., Gromann, D., & Bella, G. (2018). The Taboo Challenge Competition. AI Magazine, 39(1), pp. 84-87
Hedblom, M. M., Gromann, D., & Kutz, O. (2018). In, Out and Through: Formalising some Dynamic Aspects of the Image Schema Containment. KRR - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Track at the 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium of Applied Computing, pp. 918-925
Gromann, D. & Declerck, T. (2018). Comparing Pretrained Multilingual Word Embeddings on an Ontology Alignment Task. Calzolari, N. et al (eds): Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 230-236
Schnitzer, J. & Gromann, D. (2017). Estrategias de combinación de recursos lexicográficos en la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras (en contextos específicos). Revista Nebrija, Vol. 11 Num. 23, pp. 124-145
Gromann, D. & Hedblom, M.M. (2017). Body-Mind-Language: Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Based on Embodied Cognition. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC), CEUR: Vol. 2090, pp. 20-33
Macbeth, J., Gromann, D. & Hedblom, M.M. (2017). Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), CEUR: Vol. 2050
Gromann, D. & Declerck, T. (2017). Hashtag Processing for Enhanced Clustering of Tweets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). Varna, Bulgaria. 2017, pp. 277–283
Gromann, D. & Hedblom, M.M. (2017). Kinesthetic Mind Reader: A Method to Identify Image Schemas in Natural Language. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS), Troy, New York.
Chocrón, P. & Gromann, D. (2017). Towards Building Ontologies from Crowdsourced Data. In Joanna Bryson, Marina De Vos, and Julian Padget (eds): Proceedings of AISB Annual Convention 2017, pp. 236-246
Declerck, T. & Gromann, D. (2017). Porting the xEBR taxonomies to a LOD compliant format. Proceedings of the XBRL Academic Track co-located with Eurofiling XBRL week in Frankfurt and 19th XBRL Europe day (XBRL 2017), CEUR: VOl. 1890
Gromann, D., & Schnitzer, J. (2017). Business lexicography. In Mautner, G., & Rainer, F. (eds). Handbook of Business Communication. De Gruyter Mouton. Handbook of Applied Linguistics (HAL) 13, pp. 561-582
Gromann, D., Declerck, T. and Heigl, G. (2017). Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2), collocated with the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2017), ACL Anthology Proceedings W17-73
Borgo, S., Kutz, O., Loebe, F., Neuhaus, F., Adrian, K, Antovic, M., Basile, V., Boeker, M., Calvanese, D., Caselli, T., Colombo, G., Confalonieri, R., Daniele, L., Euzenat, J., Galton, A., Gromann, D., Hedblom, M.M., Herre, H., Hinterwaldner, I., Janes, A., Jansen, L., Krois, K., Lieto, A., Masolo, C., Peñaloza, R., Porello, D., Radicioni, D.P., Sanfilippo, E.M., Schober, D., Rosella, S. & Vizedom, A, (2017). Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2017 Episode 3: The Tyrolean Autumn of Ontology, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 21-23, 2017. CEUR, Vol. 2050
Gromann, D., & Hedblom, M. M. (2016). Breaking Down Finance – A Method of Concept Simplification by Identifying Movement Structures from the Image Schema PATH-Following. First International Workshop on Cognition and Ontologies (CAOS) at FOIS 2016, CEUR: Vol. 1660
Chocron, P., Gromann, D., & Quesada Real, F. J. (2016). Towards Building Ontologies with the Wisdom of the Crowd. International Workshop on Diversity-Aware Artificial Intelligence (DIVERSITY 2016) at ECAI 2016, pp. 1-11
Gromann, D. (2015). Design and evaluation of an ontology-terminology model for the interchange of terminological data: an approach to multilingual conceptual modeling as exemplified in the domain of finance. University of Vienna, PhD thesis.
Gromann, D. & Schnitzer, H. (2015). Where do business students turn for help? An empirical study on dictionary use in foreign-language learning. Journal of Lexicography, Vol.29 (1), Oxford University Press, pp. 55–99
Gromann, D. (2015). Sharing Multilingual Terminologies with a Semantic-Based Model. First International Workshop on the Use of Multilingual Language Resources in Knowledge Representation Systems Internatinal (MLKRep) collocated with the 20th European Symposium on Language For Special Purposes (LSP), Vienna, Austria.
Gromann, D., & Declerck, T. (2014). A cross-lingual correcting and completive method for multilingual ontology labels. In Buitelaar, P., & Cimiano, P. (eds.) Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web - Principles, Methods and Applications, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 227-242
Gromann, D. (2014) A Model and Method to Terminologize Existing Domain Ontologies. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, HAL, 127-136.
Gromann, D. (2014), A Meta-Level Ontology for Specialized Communication. In Valeria de Paiva and Alexandre Rademaker (eds.), Workshop on Logics and Ontologies for Natural Language collocated with the 8th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Gromann, D., Rasmussen, N., & Melby, A. (2013). Terminologie und Multilinguales Semantic Web in Symbiose – TBX, RDF und OWL (Title in English: Terminology and the Multilingual Semantic Web in Symbiosis – TBX, RDF and OWL). eDITion, (2), pp. 9-13
Gromann, D. (2013), Terminology meets the Multilingual Semantic Web: A Semiotic Comparison of Ontologies and Terminologies. Budin, G., & Lusicky, V. (eds.), Languages for Special Purposes in a Multilingual, Transcultural World, Proceedings of the 19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes, 8-10 July 2013, Vienna, Austria. Vienna: University of Vienna, 418-428.
Gromann, D. (2013). Terminology-based patterns for natural language definitions in ontologies. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns, CEUR: Vol. 1188, pp. 65-69
Declerck, Thierry and Gromann, Dagmar (2013), 'Towards the Generation of Semantically Enriched Multilingual Components of Ontology Labels', in Paul Buitelaar, et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (MSW3), Boston, MA, United States: CEUR: Vol. 936, pp. 11-22
Federmann, C., Gromann, D., Declerck, T., Hunsicker, S., Krieger, H., & Budin, G. (2012). Multilingual Terminology Acquisition for Ontology-based Information Extraction. In Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference: New Frontiers in the Constructive Symbiosis of Terminology and Knowledge, Madrid, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, pp. 166-175
Declerck, Thierry and Dagmar Gromann (2012), 'Combining three Ways of Conveying Knowledge: Modularization of Domain, Terminological, and Linguistic Knowledge in Ontologies', in Thomas Schneider and Dirk Walther (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Modular Ontologies, CEUR: Vol. 875, pp. 28-40
Declerck, Thierry, Krieger, Hans-Ulrich, and Gromann, Dagmar (2012), 'Acquisition, Representation, and Extension of Multilingual Labels of Financial Ontologies', Rute Costa, Manuel Silva, and António Lucas Soares (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges to Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Contexts, Madrid, pp. 17-26
Gromann, D. & Declerck, T. (2012) 'Terminology Harmonization in Industry Classification Standards', in Tatiana Gornostay (eds), Proceedings of CHAT 2012: The 2nd Workshop on the Creation, Harmonization and Application of Terminology Resources (CHAT-12), Linköping, pp. 19-26
Declerck, T. & Gromann, D. (2012) 'Extraction of Multilingual Term Variants in the Business Reporting Domain', in Tatiana Gornostay (eds), Proceedings of CHAT 2012: The 2nd Workshop on the Creation, Harmonization and Application of Terminology Resources (CHAT-12), Linköping, pp. 41-47
Workshop on Non-Binary Language Towards Non-Binary Language Technology (GenderFairMT) funded by the Center for Technology and Society
European Language Equality committee member and secondary informant for Austria
Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text (Text2TCS) 07/2020-07/2021, a pilot project of the European Language Grid (ELG), role: PI
COST Action 18209 - European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (NexusLinguarum) 10/2019-09/2023, role: Management Committee (MC) member and Working Group (WG) leader
4th Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) Conference 2023 local organizer in Vienna, Austria
3rd Language, Data, and Knowledge (LDK) Conference 2021 PC Chair in Zaragoza, Spain
6th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-6) collocated withIJCAI-PRICAI 2020
5th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-5) collocated with IJCAI 2019
Second Workshop on INteraction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS-2) collocated with JOWO 2019
4th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-4) collocated with the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2018 in Monterey, California, USA
3rd Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-3) collocated with COLING 2018 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies (DL4KGS) collocated with the 15th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2018 in Heraklion, Greece
Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS) at the Joint Ontology Workshop (JOWO) 2017
The Taboo City Challenge Competition at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2017
2nd Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2) at the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) 2017; ACL proceedings of the workshop
Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep) at the 14th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2017
1st International Workshop on the Use of Multilingual Language Resources in Knowledge Representation Systems (MLKREP) at the 20th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes (LSP) 2015